Student/Parent Resources
Anonymous Reporting and Incident Management Tool
Access Code (pioneersafe)
Available in the App Store or Google Play

Grievance Procedures
Click here to see our policies on grievances.
Voting Information
Click here to register to vote.
Adult students with disabilities qualify for services under the American Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Documentation of a disability is needed to receive services. Accepted documentation may include, but is not limited to, Individualized Educational Programs (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plans and medical documentation of a disability or health concern. If possible, students are encouraged to submit documentation and make requests for accommodations prior to the beginning of classes to ensure the appropriate delivery of services. Accommodations must be related to the documented disability.
Please contact Carol Lynes at CarolL@pioneertech.edu, or 580-718-4298 to request accommodations.