Leadership Development

Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) provides organizational consulting to help your company keep up in today's fast-changing and competitive work environment. Class times can be flexible and training can be done at your site or on Pioneer Tech's campus.

Popular Services & Training Topics

Leadership and Management Development

  • Employee Accountability

  • Motivating your Workforce

  • Coaching and Mentoring

Staff Development, Communication, and Customer Service

  • Teamwork

  • Dealing with Difficult People

  • Giving Feedback

  • Building Trust

  • Promoting Productivity

  • Customer Service

Organizational Services

  • Team Huddles

  • Team Coaching and Individual Leader Coaching

  • Meeting Facilitation

  • Management Retreat Facilitation

  • Management Team Professional Development Programs


Manager's Tool Belt
For the newer manager or supervisor, the “Manager’s Tool Belt” program is the solution to provide the basic foundation to spark confidence and competence. The topics for this program include:

  • Real Colors®

  • Role of the Leader

  • Communicating Effectiveness

  • Motivating & Engaging

Jenn Miller

Jenn Miller

Leadership Development Coordinator